Many authors throughout the centuries have written about various aspects of the history of the Order of Saint Lazarus. The list herein is meant to incorporate the major works. It is far from a complete list and any suggestion for inclusion will be welcome.
- J.L. Gottfreid. Archontologia Cosmica sive Imperiorum, Regnorun, Principatuum, Rerumque publicarum omnium per totum terrarum orben commentarii luculentissimi. Jennisius, Franfurt, 1628, Book III, p.2
- Baudoin I. (1643). Histoire des Chevaliers de l’Ordre de S. Jean de Hierusalem (p.3). Paris: Jacques d’Allin.
- Ceremoniale che si ha da osseruare dandosi l'habito a' caualieri militi della sacra Religione de' santi Mauritio et Lazaro il cui Gran Maestro é La Real Altezza del Duca di Savoia, Principe di Piedmonte, Ré di Cipro. Torino, 1646
- Memoires, Regles et Statuts, Ceremonies et Privileges des Ordres Militaires de Nostre Dame du Mont Carmel et de S. Lazare de Jerusalem. Antoine Cellier, Lyon, 1649
- Jacques de Coras [1625-1677]. Ode á la glorie des chevaliers de l'ordre de Saint-Lazare de Jérusalem. Sebastien Cramoisy, Paris, 1673. Reprinted with a commentary note in: C. Savona-Ventura: Commentary - Ode a la glorie des chevaliers de l'Ordre de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem by Jacques de Coras. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2009, +23p.
- Pierre Hélyot, Maximilien Bullot. Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux et militaires, et des congregations seculieres de l'un et de l'autre sexe, qui ont été établies jusqu'à présent. Nicolas Gosselin, Paris, 1714, 2 vols [re. Order of St. Lazarus see vol.1:p.257-271, inclusive plates]
- Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau (1638-1720). Memoirs of the Court of France from the year 1684 to the year 1720, now first translated from the diary of the Marquis de Dangeau. [translated by John Davenport]. Henry Colburn, London, 2 vols., 1825 [An abridged translated version of the original manuscript that is preserved in the Bibliothéque de l’Arsénal]. See also: Journal du Marquis de Dangeau publié en entier pour la preniére fois par MM. Soulié, Dussieux, De Chenneviéres, Mantz, De Montaiglon avec les additions inédites du Duc de Saint-Simon. Feuillet de Conches, Paris, 1856, Tome septiene 1699-1700
- Giustiniani et al. Histoire des Ordres Militares ou des Chevaliers des Milices Seculieres & Regulieres de l'un & de l'aitre Sexe, qui ont été établies jusque á present. Pierre Brunel, Amsterdam, 1721, Vol.1: p.133-149
- de Vertot R. (1728 with a number of subsequent later editions). The History of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem afterwards the Knights of Rhodes and at present the Knights of Malta (2 vols). London: G. Strahan - Vol. 1 [re: background to Papal Bull 1489 - see p.388-402] - Vol. 2 Cf: 1818 three-volume edition printed by J. Christie, Dublin - Vol. 1 - Vol. 2 - Vol. 3
- Gautier de Sibert. Histoire des Ordres Royaux, Hospitaliers-Militaires de Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel et de Saint-Lazare de Jérusalem. Imprimerie Royale, Paris, 1772.
- Essai Critique sur l’Histoire des Ordres Royaux, Hospitaliers et Militaires de Saint Lazare de Jérusalem et de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel. Brussels, 1775
- N.V. de Saint-Allais. Nobilarire Universel de France, ou Recueil Général des Généalogies Historiques des Mainson Bonles de ce Royaume. Nobiliaire Universal de France, Paris, 1815, +391 p. [has biographies of individual knights of the Order]
- The Emperor Alexander’s Nephew [see p.265]. In: Ackermann R. & Shoberl F. (1815). The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics. R. Ackermann, London, 1815.
- H. D****. Almanache de 25,000 adresses de Paris pour l'Année 1817.... C.L.F. Panckoucke ey al, Paris, 1817, +668p.
- C. Butler: The Philological and Biographical works of Charles Butler Esquire of Lincoln's Inn - Volume 1 containing Horae Biblicae. W. Clarke & Sons,, London, 1817, vol.1:p.255-256
- J.T. Georgel. Voyage a Saint-Péterscourgh en 1799-1800.... A. Eymery, Paris, 1818, p. 206-207. [mentions the investiture of the Tzar, his sons and court in the 19th century]
- Code des Ordres de Chevalerie du Royaume, dédicé ai Roi. Belin-le Prieur, Paris, 1819, + p. [re. Ordres Royaux de Saint-Lazare et de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel, p.368-447]
- C. Mills: The History of the Crusades for the Recovery and Possession of the Holy Land. Longman et al, London, 1821-22, 2, vols. Vol. 1 - Vol. 2 [re. Order of St. Lazarus: vol.1:p.360-362, vol.2:p.294-295]
- P.L. Lainé. Archives généalogiques et historiques de la noblesse de France, ou, Recueil de preuves, mémoires et notices généralogiques, servant à constater l'origine, la filiation, les alliances et lés illustrations religieuses, civiles et militaires de diverses maisons et familles nobles du royaum. Paris: Auteur, 1829.
- K.T.F. Borman. Handbuch der für die Königl. Preuss. Rheinprovinzen verkündigten gesetze, verordnungen und regierungsbeschlüsse aus der zeit der frendherrschaft. J.P. Bachem, Cologne, 1834, Vol.2, +642p. [relates the parliamentary decrees made during the French Revolution period - p.344-349 deal with the Order of St. Lazarus]
- Cours Abrégé de Blason suivi d'une notice détaillée sur les Ordres de Chavalerie a l'usage des maison d'éducation. Bureau du Journal des Villes et des Campagne,, ...., Paris, 1840, p.95-96 [describes the Arms of the Order with text suggesting that the Order of St. Lazarus was still extant, in contrast to the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel]
- James Y. Simpson: Antiquarian notices of leprosy and leper hospitals in Scotland and England. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, 1841, +103p. in three parts: Part I 149:p.301-330; Part II 150:p.121-156; Part III 151:p.394-429; 1 pl. [Part I 149:p.317-319 deals with the Order of St. Lazarus].
- Alexander Dumas, Adolphe Dumas. Temple et Hospice du Mont-Carmel en Palesine. Fain & Thunot, Paris, 1844, p.11-12 [records the involvement of the Order with the rebuilding of Mount Carmel Sanctuary in Haifa, Israel].
- Augustin Fabre. Histoire des Hospitaux des Institutions de Bienfaisance de Marseille. Vol. 2, Jules Barile, Marseille, 1855, p.27-75
- Giovanni Spano. Sopra due sigilli sardi del Medio Evo. Appendice al Bullettino Archyeologico Sardo. No.12, Anno V, Dicembre 1859, p.187-192 - Full Volume
- Luigi Cibrario. Precis historique des Ordres Regigieux et Militaires de S. Lazare et de S. Maurice avant et apres leur reunion [translated by Humbert Ferrand]. Louis Perrin, Lyon, 1860
- Joannis Guigard. Bibliothéque Héraldique de la France. E. Dentu, Paris 1861 [re. Ordre de Saint Lazare voy. Mont Carmel - see p.65-69; re. Ordre Saint Lazare et Saint Maurice - see p.447-448]
- Baronio C. (1864). Annales ecclesiastici (vol.9 (500-545 A.D.), p.396-397. Retrieved 25th September 2013 from stream/annalesecclesias09barouoft#page/n7/mode/2up.) - Records the presence of a leperosarum in Jerusalem in 530 AD during Emperor Justinian’s rule (reign 527-565) - “Lazorum in Hierosolymorum eremo (agro) sanctae Mariae in Monte Olivarum”.
- G.N.M. Rocher. Recherches Historiques sur la Commanderie de Boigny et sur l'Ordre des Chevaliers de Saint-Lazare de Jerusalem. Georges Jacob, Orléans, 1865, +70p.
- C. de Montzey. Institutions d'Éducation Militaire jusqu'en 1789. Librairie Militaire, Paris, 1866
- Regi Magistrali provvedimenti relativi all'Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro preceduti da breve storia dello stesso Ordine pubblicati in seguito a facoltá ottenutane dal Gran Magistero. G. Marzorati, Torino, 1867, +259p. [has a chronological list of documents relevant to the history of the Order dated 1565-1866]
- W. Porter: A History of the Knights of Malta, Or, The Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Longmans, Green and Co., 1883, p.59-60
- A. de Marsy (Ed.). Fragment d’un Cartulaire de l’Ordre de Saint-Lazare en Terre Sainte. Archives de l’Orient Latin (Paris), 1883, 2(2):p.123-157.
- E. Vignat: Les lepreux et les chevaliers de Saint-Lazare de Jerusalem et de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel suives d'une histoire de la commanderie Boigny. Orleans, 1884
- Currier Charles Warren. History of Religious Orders: A Compendious and Popular Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Principal Monastic, Canonical, Military, Mendicant, and Clerical Orders and Congregations of the Eastern and Western Churches, together with a Brief History of the Catholic Church in Relation to Religious Orders. Murphy and McCarthy, New York, 1898, +684p, frontis, +34 p. of color plates. For mention of Order of Saint Lazarus see p.218
- Clermont-Ganneau C. (1901). Seal of the crusading period from the leper hospital of St Lazarus at Jerusalem. Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement for 1901, p.109-113.
- C. Terlinden. Le pape Clement IX et a guerre de Candie (1667-1669) d'après les archives secrètes du Saint-Siège Louvain: C. Peeters, 1904, p.99. Available at
- House of Knights of St Lazarus: The preceptory of Locko. In: A History of the County of Derby: Volume 2. Victoria County History, U.K., 1907, p.77-78.
- C. Moeller [C.W. Herman, trans]: Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, 1910, R. Appleton Co., New York [Online edition: K. Knight, NY, 2003]
- E.J. King: The Knights Hospitallers in the Holy Land. Methuen, London, 1931
- Gautier de Sibert. History of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. [translated by M. Ustick]. MHOSLJ, n.d [circa 1930]. [With further text by G. Coutant. The Knights and Hospitallers of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem from 1789 to 1930].
- P. Bertrand de la Grassiere: Histoire des Chevaliers-Hospitaliers de Saint-Lazare. Paris, 1932
- Alessandro Monti della Corte: L'Ordine Militare Ospedaliero dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro nel suo doppio caracttere Religioso e Dinastico. Hidalguia - La Revista de Genealogia, Nobleza y Armas, 1953, Ano 1, No.3., p.493-500
- Enrique Carlos Zeininger de Borja: l'Ordre de Saint-Lazare. Hidalguia - La Revista de Genealogia, Nobleza y Armas, 1953, Ano 1, No.3., p.501-532
- Marques de Villarreal de Alava: Las falsas Ordenes de Caballeria Contestacion y rectification a la Replica del St. Marques de Cardenas de Montehermoso y nueva puntualizacion sobre la ilegitimidad de la actual "Orden de san Lazaro". Hidalguia - La Revista de Genealogia, Nobleza y Armas, 1953, Ano 1, No.3., p. 533-617
- The Hospital of Burton Lazars. In: W.G. Hoskins ed.: A History of the County of Leicestershire. Volume II: Religious Houses, Roman Catholicism, Political History, Agrarian History. Victoria County History, U.K., 1954, p.36-39 [ISBN: 0712903682]
- P. Bertrand de la Grassiere: L'Ordre militaire et hospitalier de Saint-Lazare de Jerusalem: Son histoire - son action. Peyronnet et Cle, Paris, 1960, +188p.
- Rodney E. Hartwell: The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem upon and beyond the seas: The Grand Priories of the United States of America. Augustan Society Information Bulletin, vol.VIII, no.3, Issue 12, Mar 1965, p.2-8
- Rodney E. Hartwell: The Military and Hospitaler Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem. Augustan Society Information Bulletin, vol.IX, no.7, issue 28, July 1966, p.4-11
- Rodney E. Hartwell: Genealogy of the Grand Masters of the Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem. Augustan Society Information Bulletin, Vol.XI, No.4, Issue 44, May-June 1968, p.181-269
- Rodney E. Hartwell: Bourbon Grand Masters of the Order of St.Lazarus. Augustan Society Information Bulletin, Vol.XIII, No.2, Issue 55, March-April 1970, p.95-100
- Ronald E. Prosser: The Order of St Lazare. Augustan Society Information Bulletin, Vol.XVI, No.1, Issue 69, Winter 1973, p.13-17
- Ronald E. Prosser: The Order of Sts. Maurice & Lazarus. Augustan Society Information Bulletin, vol. VIII-XVI. Vol.XVI, No.3, Summer 1973 p.327-330
- The Grand Referendary. The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem - An Introduction to the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. MHOSLJ, Malta, no date [c.1970], +10p
- The Grand Referendary. The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem - The legitimacy of the Order. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1970, +11p
- Grand Chancery. The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem - A short résumé of the history of the Order including the events which led to the establishment of a rebel group in France. MHOSLJ, Malta, [n.d. c1971], +22p.
- The Grand Referendary. White Paper concerning Act of Recognition. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1972
- The Hereditary Commandery of Lochore. Commandery - MHOSLJ, Midlothian, U.K., 1970, +31p.
- G.F.G. Stanley [ed.] A short history of the Grand Priory of Canada - Une breve histoire du Grand Prieure du Canada. Grand Priory of Canada - MHOSLJ, Canada, +101p.
- The Green Cross - La Croix Verte. MHOSLJ - Paris Obedience, Canada, no date [after 1981], +12p.
J.J. Algrant y Canete, Jean de Beaugourdon: Armorial de l'Ordre Militaire et Hospitalier de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem - Armorial de la Orden Militar y Hospitalaria de San Lazaro de Jerusalem - Armorial of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. H.A. van den Akker, Holland, 1983, +432p. [ISBN: 9070946017]. - J. de Beaugourdon: A brief history of the Order of Saint Lazarus. 1983
- A. Weaver-Hazelton: The Order of Saint Lazarus. A Short History. p.49-55
- A. Weaver-Hazelton & H. von Leden: Achievements of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. p.56-59
- H. von Leden: The Order of Saint Lazarus in the United States. p.65-70 In: The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem - Grand Priory of America. MHOSLJ, USA, 1984, +109p.
- N.P. Zacour, H.W. Hazard [eds.]: The impact of the Crusades on the Near East. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1985, vol.V: A History of the Crusades, p.162-163
- S.G. Morris: The Insignia and Decorations of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem. MHOSLJ, Scotland, 1986, +45p. [ISBN 095114670X]
- J.J. Algrant: A More Measured View of the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. 1987, +15p.
- Burton Lazars Research Group - Terry Bourne and David Marcombe. eds]. The Burton Lazars cartulary: A medieval Leicestershire estate (Centre for Local History record series). University of Nothingham, U.K., 1987, 72p. [ISBN-10: 1850410194]
- J. Walker: The patronage of the Templars and the Order of St. Lazarus in England in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. PhD Thesis, University of St. Andrews, U.K., 1990 , +323p.
- J. Walker: The motives for patrons of the Order of St. Lazarus in England in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Monastic Studies: The continuity of Tradition. Bangor, 1990, p.171-181
- D. Marcombe & K. Manchester: The Melton Mowbray "Leper Head": A Historical and Medical Investigation. Medical History, 1990, 34:p.86-91
- W.McL. Thomson: The Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. The Medical Journal of Australia, 1991, December 2-16; 155(11-12):p.778-779
- H.M. de Langle & J.L. de Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p
- Daniel Hickey. Closing down local hospitals in seventeenth-century France: The Mount Carmel and St Lazare Reform Movement. Histoire sociale - Social History, May 1992, vol. XXV, no49, p.9-33
- T. Westgaard: Introduction to the Order of St. Lazarus and Aspiration to the Ideals of Chilvalry. 1993
- M. Barber: The Order of Saint Lazarus and the Crusades. The Catholic Historical Review, July 1994, 53(3):p.439-456
- The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. MHOSLJ, Malta, no date [c.1994], +4p
- M. Barber: The New Knighthood. A History of the Order of the Temple. University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1995, p.38
- D. Steward: The Monks of War - The Military Religious Orders. Penguin Books, London, 1995, +416p. [ISBN: 0-14-019501-7]
- P. Bander van Buren: Orders of Knighthood and Merit - The Pontifical, Religious and Secularised Catholic-founded Orders and their relationship to the Apostolic See. Colin Smythe, Gerrards Cross, 1995, p.495 - 513, XLV - XLVII. [ISBN 0-86140-371-1]
- Guy Stair Sainty: The Order of Saint Lazarus. Great Orders of Chivalry. Internet Homepage dated c.1996
- Guy Stair Sainty: The Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. Great Orders of Chivalry. Internet Homepage dated c.1997
- François Velde: "Revived" Orders of Chivalry: the case of the Order of Saint Lazarus. Internet page dated 5th September 1996, last updated 15th January 2005
- 700 Jahra Leprosenhaus St. Lazarus. Die Stiftung der Zant als Nukleus fur Almosenamt und Evangelische Wohltatigkeitsstiftung. Regensburg, 1996, +59p.
- D.J. Kagay, T.M. Vann: On the Social Origins of Medieval Institutions. Essays in honor of Joseph F. O'Callaghan. Brill, 1998, p.35-38
- A. Bolza-Kézdy: History of the Order in Hungary - Historia de la Orden en Hungria. Saint Lazarus Newsletter, May 1999, 5:p.10-14
- A. Vauchez, R. Barrie Dobson, M. Lapidge: Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. Routledge, 2000, p.1275.
- P. Doyle [editor]: Butler's Lives of Saints - July. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, 2000
- V. Galoppini: Cenni storici sull'Ordine Militare et Hospitaliero di San Lazzaro di Gerusaleme. Grand Priory of Italy - MHOLJ, Milan, c.2001
- A.J. Boas: Jerusalem in the Time of the Crusades. Routledge, New York, 2001, p.28-29
- The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem - The Grand Priory of Sweden. Jubilee Roll 2001. Grand Priory of Sweden - MHOSLJ, 2001.
- D. Marcombe: Leper Knights - The Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem in England, c.1150-1544. Boydell Press, Suffolk, 2003, +320p. [ISBN: 1843830671]
- T.C. Cutajar: L-Ordni ta' San Lazzru ta' Gerusalem - The Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem. MHOSLJ, Malta, 2003, +36p.
- R. Hyacinthe. L'Ordre de Saint-Lazare de Jérusalem au Moyen Age. Études & Communication Édition, Bez-et-Esparon, 2003, +253p. [ISBN: 2911722205]
- J. Gaume: The Knights of Saint Lazarus. Catholic - The Voice of Catholic Orthodoxy, April 2003
- M.J. Ellul: The Green Eight Pointed Cross - The Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem throughout the ages. Saint Lazarus Hospice Foundation, Malta, 2004, +144p. [ISBN: 99932-0-317-3]
- K. Macmillan, J. Peden, J. Hopkison, D. Hycha. A Caregiver's Guide - A handbook about the end of life care. The Palliative Care assoc, Alberta - the Military & Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus, Ottawa, 2004, +174p. ISBN: 0-9686700-1-6.
- C. Savona-Ventura: The Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus. ASMMH for Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2005 [reviewed 2007], +18p. [ISBN: 99932-663-4-5; e-book publication; originally published in The Times (Malta), 30th January - 6th February 2005].
- N. Kohout: The Order of St Lazarus in the Latin East. Published online: 08/23/2005 at <>
- C. Savona-Ventura: The Domus Leprosorum in Crusader Jerusalem. Maltese Family Doctor - It-Tabib tal-Familja, 2005, 14(2):p.67-70
- C. Savona-Ventura: Medieval Dermatological Hospitaler Orders. Synapse: The Medical Professionals’ Network, 2006, January:p.8-9
- Charles Savona-Ventura. The Hospitaller Knights of Saint Lazarus. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2006, +244p. [ISBN-13: 9789993204602 / 9989993204619]
- A.E. Boas: Archaeology of the Military Orders. A Survey of the urban centres, rural settlements and castles of the military orders in the Latin east (c.1120-1291). Routledge, London, 2006, p.7, 64-66
- C. Savona-Ventura: L-Ordni Militari u Hospitaljer ta' San Lazzru ta' Gerusalem vs Torri Lanzun. Il-Huggiega ta' San Gwann, June-August 2006, 1(12):p.9
- S. Pisani: 14 ta' Mejju 1796 - Naqra ta' barxa li bdiet issalva l-hajjiet. Lehen is-Sewwa, 1 July 2006, p.17
- T.C. Cutajar: St. Lazarus - who was he? The Sunday Times (Malta), 18 June 2006, p.68-69
- I Cavallieri Lebrosi di San Lazzaro. Terrasanta, Sept-Oct 2006, 1(5):p.2
- The painting "Raising of Lazarus" held at the Basilica of St. George Martyr in Victoria Gozo - On the occasion of the formal presentation and blessing of the restored painting commissioned by the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands of the Military & Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem on the 23rd June 2007. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2007, +12p.
- Charles Savona-Ventura [1955--]. The Order of St Lazarus in the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Journal of the Monastic Military Orders. October 2008, 1:p.55-64 Republished with documentation transcripts as: C. Savona-Ventura. The Order of Saint Lazarus in the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Grand Priory of Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2008, +97p
- J.L. Alias. L'Ordre de Saint-Lazare de Jerusalem. La Chevalerie au service des lépreux. Cheminements, Paris, 2008, +159p. [ISBN: 9782844787408]
- D. Marcombe. The seals of the Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem in England. In Noël Adams, John Cherry, and James Robinson (eds.), Good Impressions: Image and Authority in Medieval Seals (London: British Museum Press, 2008), p.52-59.
- F. Bezzina. Il-Kavallieri ta' l-Ordni Irjali Militari u Ospedaljier tal-Madonna ta' l-Gholja tal-Karmnu u ta' San Lazzru ta' Gerusalemm. Programm tal-festi solenni tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu, Valletta, 2008, p.9-23
- J.M. Muhllechner. Atavis et Armis. Die Ritter des Heiligen Lazarus zu Jerusalem. Gemi, Hersdtellung, 2009, +200p. [ISBN: 3200006722]
- Grand Prieuré de France de l'Ordre Militaire et Hospitalier de Saint Lazare de Jérusalem. Grand Priory of France, Paris, 2009, +26p.
- C. Savona-Ventura. The Papal Bull Cum solerti meditatione pensamus of 1489. Journal of the Monastic Military Orders, December 2009, 2:21-38
- C. Savona-Ventura. Ode a la glorie des Chevaliers de l'Ordre de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem - Commentary. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands, MHOSLJ, Malta, 2009, +23p. [includes facsimile of original 1673 "Ode a la glorie..." by Jacques de Coras]
- C. Savona-Ventura. Il-Pittura titulari antika tal-altar iddedikat lil San Lazzru fil Bazilika ta' San Gorg Martri. Festi San Gorg, 2009, p.113-115 [see also follow-up article on restoration of painting in: J. Camilleri. Il-Kwardru l-qidim ta' San lazzru. Festi San Gorg, 2011, p.54-55]
- C. Savona-Ventura. The French Revolution's mark on the annals of the Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem. Journal of the Monastic Military Orders, 2010, 3:51-70
- M. Barber. The Order of St Lazarus and the Crusades. Journal of the Monastic Military Orders, 2010, 3:73-86
- C. Savona-Ventura: Virtu della Pietra di S. Paolo. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2010, +23p. [e-book publication in Adobe Acrobat]
- C. Savona-Ventura: Philatelic items relating to the Order. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2010, +3p.
- J.M. Muhllechner. Das Kloster Sankt Lazarus Seedorf und die Lazariterregeln von 1314. Gemi, Hersdtellung, 2009, +200p. [ISBN: 9783200016200]
- C. Savona-Ventura: Lazarus of Bethany. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2009, +5p. [e-book publication in Adobe Acrobat]
- C. Savona-Ventura: Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem - Grandmasters, Administrators & Protectors. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2012, +78p. [ISBN:987-99957-0-355-4]
- C. Savona-Ventura. The Sigillography and commemorative artifacts [medallions, medals, stamps, plates] of the Order of Saint Lazarus. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2013, +55p
- C. Savona-Ventura: The Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem - A History. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 1st edition, 2011, +27p.; 2nd edition 2013, +50p.
- C. Savona-Ventura. The Grand Commandery of the Castello of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem - A Historical Review. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2013, +17p.
- C. Savona-Ventura and M.W. Ross: The Heraldry and Development of the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. Published in 'Double tressure: The Journal of the Heraldry Society of Scotland, Summer 2013, 36:+28p.
- C. Savona-Ventura. The History of the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. Nova Publishers, New York, 2014, +196p. [ISBN: 9781629485638]
- C. Savona-Ventura [editor]. The Order of Saint Lazarus Cartulary. Office of the Grand Archivist and Historian - MHOSLJ, Torri ta' Lanzun, Malta, 2014, vol.1-3.
- C. Savona-Ventura [editor]. The Modern Order of Saint Lazarus - A history of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem in the last half century. Office of the Grand Archivist and Historian - MHOSLJ, Torri ta' Lanzun, Malta, 2015 [in three sections]
- C. Savona-Ventura. The Order of St. Lazarus in Southern Italy and Sicily. Office of the Grand Archivist and Historian - MHOSLJ, Torri ta' Lanzun, Malta, 2015
- C. Savona-Ventura. The Order of St. Lazarus in Switzerland. Office of the Grand Archivist and Historian - MHOSLJ, Torri ta' Lanzun, Malta, 2015
- C. Savona-Ventura. The Order of St. Lazarus in Hungary. Office of the Grand Archivist and Historian - MHOSLJ, Torri ta' Lanzun, Malta, 2015